Millions Of Buyers Can’t Wait To See
What You Have In Store


Join a marketplace where buyers around
the world shop for unique items

It doesn’t take much to list your items
and once you make a sale, There is

No Transaction fee in Efendim

Powerful Tools

Our tools and services make it easy
to manage, promote and grow your

Support 24/7

24/7 support services are here to ensure our Suppliers, customers' success and business productivity

Register and list your products

  • Register your business for free and create a product catalogue. Get free training on how to run your online business
  • Our Efendim Advisors will help you at every step and fully assist you in taking your business online

Customize your store

  • Start creating your market, customize it like you want with a powerful tools for this purpose.
  • You will recive email from Efendim with your store details, and you can log in anytime.

Create and sell your product

  • Start to add your product on your store with more than 4000 Categories.
  • On Efendim there is no Add to cart, so all products will be under (Request For Quotation).

Receive inquries and Approved

  • Will... you can now receive, send inquies and approved it for client, and deliver with the best way.
  • All money transaction between you and client will be with bank transfer or cash payment.

It’s time to growth your business

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